A good nest is essential for Hedgehogs if they are to survive the winter. They often build their nests under logs, piles of brushwood or leaves. However in our tidy gardens, there is often nowhere for them to build their nests. This hedgehog house by...
This nesting box gives squirrels a place to live, sleep or to use as a nest. Features and Benefits Normally this rodent will build multiple nests for different purposes. In case of danger they can quickly flee to another nest It is best to hang at least...
Hedgehogs adore our hedgehog house. Place under some autumn leaves in a quiet part of the garden and wait. Features: This hedgehog basket is, an imitation of a natural nest, the perfect home for a hedgehog. Place the hedgehog basket on a somewhat dry...
Besides the honey bee, Europe has hundreds of other bee species. These bees are very important in the pollination of flowers and plants. Whether you have wild plants, food crops, fruit trees or ornamental plants in the garden, 80% of these rely on insects...