SANGOMA A101D 1-Port T1/E1/J1 PCI EC/HW Sangoma A101d 1-port T1/e1/j1 Pci Ec/hw
SANGOMA A101DE 1-Port T1/E1/J1 PCIe EC/HW Sangoma A101de 1-port T1/e1/j1 Pcie Ec/hw
SANGOMA A101-DEKIT A101DE 1 port T1/E1/J1 PCI Express 1024 Tap (128ms) Hardware Based Echo Canceller Across 30 Channels Sangoma A101-dekit A101de 1 Port T1/e1/j1 Pci Express 1024 Tap (128ms) Hardware Based Echo Canceller Across 30 Channels
SANGOMA A101E 1 port T1/E1/J1 PCI Expres Sangoma A101e 1 Port T1/e1/j1 Pci Expres
SANGOMA A102-DEKIT A102DE 2 port T1/E1/J1 PCI Express 1024 Tap (128ms) Hardware Based Echo Canceller Across 60 Channels Sangoma A102-dekit A102de 2 Port T1/e1/j1 Pci Express 1024 Tap (128ms) Hardware Based Echo Canceller Across 60 Channels
SANGOMA A200-A200BRMDE A200BRM PCI Express with Hardware Echo Cancellation Can be combined with up to Two A200 FXO or A200 Sangoma A200-a200brmde A200brm Pci Express With Hardware Echo Cancellation Can Be Combined With Up To Two A200 Fxo Or A200
SANGOMA A200-A200RA Expansion Module for the A200BRM Series Cards This Add On will give you Access to 4 Additional Ports Sangoma A200-a200ra Expansion Module For The A200brm Series Cards This Add On Will Give You Access To 4 Additional Ports
SANGOMA A200-A20400E 8 FXS Analog Card 8 FXS Ports and 0 FXO Port via 4-pin RJ11/4 narrow jacks Up to 24 simultaneous PSTN calls Available in PCI and PCI Express in 2U form factor Carrier-Grade hardware Echo Cancellation options Includes on-board diagnostic...
SANGOMA A200BRMD A200 PCI Base Analog Card EC/HW Sangoma A200brmd A200 Pci Base Analog Card Ec/hw
SANGOMA A200-FXO 2 Port FXO Chips for use in the A200 or A400 Series Cards Sangoma A200-fxo 2 Port Fxo Chips For Use In The A200 Or A400 Series Cards