Count bills at a fast rate of up to 1000 bills per minute, saving you time and effort. Large hopper capacity can hold up to 200 bills so you can count more bills in fewer stacks. Uses ultraviolet, magnetic, and infrared counterfeit detection to detect...
Electric bill counter features a duty cycle system that allows two hours of continuous counting without ceasing. It's perfect for anyone who continuously counts large amounts of cash throughout the day and needs a reliable and durable counter. The back-loading...
Value counting system totals the number of bills by denomination, total value by denomination and grand total. Counterfeit detection detects fake bills through ultraviolet and magnetic detection. Variable speeds counts bills at 900, 1,200, or 1,400 bills...
Quickly and accurately sorts pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Patented internal anti-jam device rotates to help free jammed coins. Cash/Coin Counter Type: Coin Sorters/Counters; Denomination: Dimes; Nickels; Pennies; Quarters; Bill/Coin Capacity:...
Quickly and accurately sorts pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Patented internal anti-jam device rotates to help free jammed coins. LCD display is easy to read and shows both the dollar value and the number of coins counted. Cash/Coin Counter Type:...
Quickly and accurately sorts pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Auto advance feature allows coin tubes to automatically move forward as they are filled to begin filling the next empty tube for hands-free operation. Patented internal anti-jam device...
Easily detect fake bills and IDs. Use the ultraviolet sensor to check for UV sensitive strips and magnetic sensor to detect magnetic ink on U.S. bills. The fluorescent light verifies watermarks and the magnifier lens shows micro-printing. Includes handy...
No power requiredsimply turn the handle to sort coins into wrappers. Sorts all coins accurately. Large collection opening holds up to 200 coins. Includes four coin tubes and four wrappers, one of each denomination. Cash/Coin Counter Type: Coin Sorters;...
Use this bright, wireless scrolling message sign to let your customers know about store specials or special events. Bluetooth compatibility offers a quick, simple way to customize the animation, speed, order and color of the various messages with your...