Otherwordly conical clusters of glistening reddish pink flowers can reach 8’ will certainly get your garden noticed! Deer proof, bug proof and totally drought tolerant “Tower of Jewels” seems not to care about anything but looking stupendous! Usua...
The Magnolia tree, named for French botanist Pierre Magnol, is commonly called the Tulip tree because of its large, tulip-like blossoms. It is a cross between a large shrub and a small tree. The beautiful pink and white blossoms of the most common...
* WEEPING FIG * *Ficus Benjamina* . "Quite unique". I "LOVE" plants that can be neglected and still thrive well. Detailed Description... Ficus benjamina is a native to south and southeast Asia! Ficus Benjamina, also known as the Weeping Fig, ...
I LOVE plants that can be neglected and still thrive well. **GROWN HERE ON OUR FARM IN TENNESSEE!** *Hey, this is not your regular, everyday run of the mill Hibiscus* THIS IS THE BEST OF THE BEST BAR NONE!*HIBISCUS GIANT WHITE -HIBISCUS MOSCHEUT...
****GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE **** *** WINTERBERRY HOLLY *** It may come as a surprise to many people that there are hollies that not only drop their leaves in advance of winter but become stunning landscape plants in the process. I a...
**GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE** **WORLD'S SMALLEST RAINBOW CURRANT TOMATO** Tomato Cherry Rainbow Mix Seeds - Colourful and Flavourful Mixture Amazon Rainbow Currant tomatoes (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium.LR) This plant produce masses...
**GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE** **WORLD'S SMALLEST RAINBOW CURRANT TOMATO** Tomato Cherry Rainbow Mix Seeds - Colourful and Flavourful Mixture Amazon Rainbow Currant tomatoes (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium.LR) This plant produce masses...
Great looking premium AA Founders Medallion. Custom colored in Ocean Breeze Blue and Gold Plating. This is a Founders style with Bill W and Dr Bob on the front. 7 Year Sobriety Aniversary AA Medallion Founders Style With Bill W Dr Bob on the ...