This listing is for 5 CELANDINE yellow POPPY bulb Stylophorum eiphyllym Celandine Poppy features 4 petaled yellow flowers which bloom in spring in small clusters atop stems typically growing 12-18" tall. Blue-green lobed foliage is silvery bel...
Fragaria chiloensis, the beach strawberry, Chilean strawberry, or coastal strawberry, is one of two species of strawberry that were hybridized to create the modern garden strawberry (F. ananassa). It is noted for its large berries. Its natural ran...
** 5 CLIMBING BLUEBERRY VINE SEEDS** CLIMIMBING BLUEBERRY (Billardiera longiflora) Climbing blue berry is a native of Tasmania and has been in cultivation for more than 200 years! It is grown in gardens for its beautiful flowers and colored fr...
A superb flowering clinging vine. The white summer flowers are in flat-topped clusters to 10" and the beautiful dark green leaves are very attractive. Zones 5 A full-grown climbing hydrangea vine may be up to 75 feet tall and it is covered w...
Fantastic thorny denizens of the southwest American deserts, some dozen species include branching shrubs, trees with trunks, and the unique Ocotillo, a towering spray of branchless, wandlike stems. Seemingly lifeless through many parched months, w...
**GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE** An interesting fruit that is covered with a light down and looks like an eggplant. It is a relative to the eggplant but it is a juicy and sweet unlike its relative. It is eaten stewed, as fresh fruit, as a...
Loosen that tight collar with these wonder buttons, an ingenious little device that extends the size of your shirt collar by up to a half size. The wonder button stays completely hidden behind the tie. Add up to 1/2 size to any dress shirt collar.
Genetics, especially ones that have been selected for Competitions for Giant Watermelons....Watermelons require loose soil and prefer soils rich in organic matter. A well-drained soil will help to avoid damaging water stagnation and promotes root ...
****GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE **** **** 5 CORAL BERRY SEEDS **** Coral Berry is a compact, deciduous, spreading hybrid shrub. Displaying small, bell-shaped light pink flowers in the summer, it then displays an abundance of rose-pink fr...
5 Cranefly Orchids Tipularia discolor Premium bare root stock. Hardiness zone 5, 6,7,8 Heights 12-24" Moist Shade - heat tolerant. Bloom time: June July Aug Flowers: see pic purple/green bronze Leaf: green purple multicolor “No shipments to...