Hammock Floor protects your outdoor gear against the damp or dirty ground.Just use the integrated suspension system to hang the Hammock Floor directly below the hammock, or fasten it to the four loops on the ground as an underlay (pegs not included).The...
Ultra Light Microrope SuspensionAMAZONAS Microrope 2 secure suspension cables for hammocksThe AMAZONAS Microrope is the ideal suspension system for hammocks if you want to swing and relax between two trees.AMAZONAS MicroropeJust totally practicalHolds...
A hanging chair must be hung so that it can rotate, so that the hanging chords do not wear thin, and so that one can swing in the desired direction.We have therefore created a ball-mounted ceiling hook with an extension chain for adjusting the height.Screws...
The Smart Rope is a weatherproof, adjustable rope with carabiner hooks for easy hanging. For a hammock, two are needed, for a hanging chair one smart rope is required. Features: 320 cm (without making knots adjustable upto 300cm) 1 weatherproof plastic...
The Rotating Swivel Fixing allows gentle rotation from the right direction which prevents any chords becoming chafed or tangled. Those who do not have a power hook for their hanging chair require a swivel to deal with the rotation.At the same time it...
Specifications: Dimensions: H:2.0 x W:12.0 x D:8.0 cm Colour: Black Guarantee:1 Year Material: 100% Polyester (40D) Model Number: AZ-3080025 {{widget type="MagentoCmsBlockWidgetBlock" template="widget/static_block/default.phtml" block_id="3634" type_name="CMS...
Topquilt is the ideal solution for comfortable nights in your hammock. When you are curled up in your Ultra-Light hammock, the hollow fibre filling gives you perfect thermal insulation from above.The conical form of Topquilt is specially designed for...
TRAVELLER TARP is measured precisely to the hammock's size. This turns your hammock into an outdoor bed!Suitable for many AMAZONAS hammocks. Including fastening material and adjustable snap hooks.PUR-coated Nylon Ripstop extremely watertight. Features:...
AMAZONAS Ultra-Light Traveller Tarp XXLThe XXL rain cover for hammocks - our extra-large XXL 12m2 tarp for protection from wind and weather.Small, but wow: Extremely waterproof. Small packing dimensions. The AMAZONAS Traveller Tarp XXL is extremely waterproof...
Tree Hugger combines functions in one: It acts as an extension for hammock suspension ropes, and extends the protective strap in conjunction with the Adventure Rope. It also extends the narrow suspension ropes which can be damaging to trees with a protective...